Heart Chakra or Anahata is where we hold not only our trust, love and feelings but also our hurt, pain and trauma. When this Chakra is imbalanced, everything else in our lives is impacted and we feel out of sync with people and situations around us. Those are the moments when we need to pull inwards a little, take some time for self-healing and learn how to explore, love, balance and heal our Heart Chakra.
Heart Chakra is the fourth primary chakra, according to Hindu Yogic, Shakta and Buddhist Tantric traditions. In Sanskrit, Anahata means "unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten". It is the center of the body and also the center of relationships, love, and forgiveness. Therefore, the energy blocking your chest can affect your life and your relationships, and it is essential for your wellbeing, to identify the causes of blockage in your heart. Anahata Nad refers to the Vedic concept of unstruck sound and it is associated with balance, calmness, and serenity and, with the help of crystals and meditation you can heal and balance your Heart Chakra.
you can learn more about Anahata Meditation HERE and mentioned below are top stones and crystals used for energizing and balancing the Heart Chakra
Rose Quartz
It is a gorgeous pink stone and a crystal that resonates unconditional love. It’s known origin is Japan, India, Brazil, United States, Argentina, Mexico, and South Africa. It is also known as the most important crystal for unconditional love.
Rose Quartz crystal carries the energy of peace, compassion, healing, and tenderness. The crystal also aims to nourish and comfort as it speaks directly to our Heart Chakra. It also brings the energy of healing from fears and emotional wounds. More importantly, as we heal, the Rose Quartz also helps in reawakening the innate nature of the heart to love and be contented.
Use and Purpose
Rose Quartz inspires and cultivates bonding and love. When placed on the stomach, it helps develop an eternal bond between mother and baby. For relationships, place the crystal on your love altar and light pink candles along with it. Place a photo of you and your lover near the crystal on the altar.
A crystal for balancing the Heart Chakra, Green Aventurine is also known as the stone of opportunity. It is said to have originated from Brazil, China, India, Italy, Spain, Russia, Tibet, and Nepal. Aventurine opens up the heart chakra to help you recognize what truly excites you. It brings about harmony between mind, body and spirit and induces a sense of completeness to your spiritual space that will often translate into newfound confidence.
Aventurine opens up the Heart Chakra helps by bringing in positivity and self acceptance. It encourages your heart to persevere, become more open, and attract love in your life. Aventurine is also known as the luckiest of all the crystals and manifests the energies of wealth and prosperity. It helps in increasing your chance for opportunities and winning competitions.
Use and Purpose
Aventurine helps you to connect with the earth and allows you to understand and appreciate nature along with your mind and body. It can be best placed in your house or garden in order to avoid geopathic stress and stressors. The crystal not only attracts luck, but it also aligns the opportunities in your life with possibilities.
A stone is known as the stone of self-love and unconditional love. It enhances the chakra of the heart and root and helps in nurturing the inner self. Rhodonite is also said to have originated from Brazil, Germany, Mexico, Sweden, Spain, and Russia.
It helps nurture ones self by helping heal the past trauma and allowing us to claim our presence in present and the future. Vibrant colors of Rhodonite bring in the energy that empowers us and allows us to find and fulfill our true potential. It helps us focus on our roots - the energies and the gifts that we have - for the betterment of ourselves and the people around us. As emotional health, the crystal helps us to focus on ourselves, especially during stressful times. It helps us become calm and take control of our emotions during shock and panic.
Use and Purpose
Rhodonite can help us during emotionally challenging situations by keeping us centered and balanced during those tough moments. It provides a positive perspective in instances when we need it or when we don’t know what to do. It is best to wear Rhodonite to help with your heart chakra, especially during significant loss or illnesses.
Known as the stone of “Hope” - Amazonite is an excellent manifestation tool, especially when you incorporate its energy into a daily meditation practice. A stone of truth, honor and trust, Amazonite increases intuitive wisdom and improves communication and is the chakra crystal for heart and throat. Origins of this crystal can be traced to Madagascar, India, Russia, Brazil, and the United States.
The energies that Amazonite brings are deep and ancient, just like the waters of the Amazonite river after which it is named. It is connected to the fearlessness of women warriors, with a passion to follow your heart. Amazonite helps in tempering aggression and irrationality on one hand and prospering stillness, balance, and harmony on the other. It cultivates and soothes our Heart Chakra and ensures that it is aligned with our physical body. The energy it brings rejuvenates the way we communicate and get our point across to others.
Use and Purpose
As the energy it brings, Amazonite assists in fostering healthy communications, including thoughts and feelings. The crystal also helps you communicate better with yourself, especially understanding your own emotions and thoughts.
Another all time favorite crystal to open up the Heart Chakra is Moonstone. Strongly connected to energy of the moon, Moonstone balances the emotional body, enhances personal power, and nurtures of spirit. Moonstone is believed to have a tangible connection to magic of the moon - an amulet of protection for travelers and a gift of lovers for passion. Origin of Moonstone can be traced to Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Madagascar, Brazil, Australia and India.
Moonstone is known for abundance in loving feminine power and healing energies that remind you to be in touch with your inner divine self. Moonstone helps in understanding patterns in terms of emotions and life lessons and, helps us find balance in these aspects of our lives. It brings loving energy that helps our intuition and also helps us support others.
Use and Purpose
Moonstone calms and soothes our hearts and minds, especially when we worry or get anxious. It protects our psychic aura and aligns us with the spirits in nature
Green Jade
Green Jade is protective stone, known to help in renewal of spirit and confidence. Green Jade attracts good luck and keeps the wearer away from harm's way. It also helps stabilize the personality, promotes confidence and encourages self sufficiency. Origins of this crystal can be traced to China, Italy, Middle East, Russia, and the USA.
The energies that Jade brings, help us to tune into our inner strengths and allows us an insight into our inane creativity and ability. Jade also has strong protective energy which emanates strength from outside but calm balance on inside.
Use and Purpose
Green Jade brings calmness, life, and positive energy amidst difficult times. Thanks to its strong protective energy, Green Jade is a popular travel crystal and brings its energy with you. Green jade also helps foster and increase trust and support in relationships.
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