Chakras Meanings and Balancing | Sivalya

We have all heard about 7 Chakras and how their balanced functioning is necessary for overall health and wellness in a human body. Contrary to general awareness, there are actually 114 Chakras in our physical body, connected through 72000 energy pathways known as Nadis. Out of these 114 chakras, 7 Chakras are considered as major chakras, hence their popularity and significance.

Chakras and Nadis

Nadis can be understood contextually, as a network of 72000 subtle energy flow systems in our body. Nadis are channels and fields of life-force or “Prana” and are present in our physical as well as astral body. On a physical level, 36000 nadis are in the left side of the body and 36000 nadis are in the right side of the body. The nadis are interconnected energy systems and operate as distribution network of consciousness and energy by collaborating and interacting with various nodes, neurons and nervous system within a human body.

The nadis link through the sleep cycle, the circadian rhythm and ultradian rhythm of the body and the114 junctions or confluences in the body where these nadis meet are known chakras. Out of these 114 chakras, two are outside the physical body in our spiritual consciousness and out of the remaining 112, only 108 can actually be worked upon, the rest 4 open by themselves as a consequence of awakenings in rest of the chakras. The number 108 has manifested in the human system as it has a deep meaning and significance in the universe, which we discuss in a separate article Here.

Out of the 112 chakras in a human body 7 are considered as major chakras, 21 as minor chakras and 86 as micro chakras. These 112 chakras further arrange themselves into 7 dimensions, or vortexes of energy, within the physical and spiritual human body, with 16 aspects in each dimension. It is these 7 major vortexes of energy which are generally referred to as the 7 chakras. These 7 chakras in turn form the founding base for 7 schools of Yoga.


What are the 7 Chakras?

The 7 chakras are circular (or flower petal shaped) vortexes of energy, lying across seven different points on our spinal column and form the energy ecosystem of every individual. The 7 chakras are connected to different glands and organs in the body and are responsible for uniform distribution of Prana or life energy through them. The 7 chakras have more than one dimension to them, and along with the physical existence, spiritual dimension of each chakra has to be balanced and aligned for a well-functioning individual. A deficiency in this energy ecosystem can wreak havoc in the different areas of life. When there is a disruption or a blockage in the life energy in any one or more chakras, the individual may suffer from health or mental issues.

What is Chakra Balancing and why is it important?

When all 7 chakras are open optimally (i.e. not too much, not too little) they spin with energy and transmit it throughout the body. This helps the individual function properly, both on physical and mental plane. On the other hand, even if one chakra is blocked or open too much, then the individual may experience frustration, ill health, physical illnesses or psychological imbalances. Hence, optimum balancing of all the 7 chakras is essential.

Chakra balancing helps us to succeed in every aspect of our lives. It helps us live with mental, physical, emotional, spiritual peace and harmony. Mindfulness with chakra balancing also helps us to gain social, occupational, financial and intellectual well-being at all stages of our lives. Healing crystals are a must-have for supporting your mind-body-spirit and your overall health and wellness. Sivalya collection of chakra balancing jewelry is made with powerful crystals, gemstones and sterling silver, which help align and balance the seven.

Each chakra is associated with specific chakra colors, crystals and gemstones. We collated a brief guide explaining the different chakra colors, crystals associated with them and areas of life each of the 7 chakras impact. Understanding basic facts in this chakra balancing guide will help you to adopt healing objects and everyday practices, that help with chakra alignment and guide you towards a mindful lifestyle of balance, happiness, enlightenment and success.

Root Chakra – Muladhara – The First Chakra

The Root Chakra or the first chakra is called “Muladhara” in Sanskrit (pronounced ‘Moola-dhaara’). While all the seven chakras are important for our health and well being, some experts consider the first chakra to be the most important chakra since it directs energy to all other chakras and also helps connect the individual to their physical world.

Root Chakra – Muldhara – The First Chakra

Location – Base of the spine

Color – Red

Energy – Physical Needs, Passion, Anger

Bija Mantra – I Am - Lam

Element – Earth (Prithvi) Mind+Body

Organs Impacted – large intestine, immune system and all reproductive organs

The Sanskrit word for this chakra is Muladhara (mool means root). Root chakra defines our relation to earth and impacts our vitality, passion and survival instincts. It is associated with the color red and impacts our vitality, passion and survival instincts. When this chakra is imbalanced, you feel insecure, fear, anxiety and low self esteem. Jewelry made with healing crystals like Garnet, Red Jasper and Yellow Topaz help align and balance your root chakra, allowing a renewal of base energies which helps you feel more feel more confident, stable and physically alive.

Sacral Chakra – Svadhishthana – The Second Chakra

The Sanskrit word for the Sacral Chakra is “Svadhishthana”. Sacral Chakra relates to the water element in the human body and impacts our sexuality, reproductive function, joy, desire and creativity. The sense of taste is associated with the sacral chakra and in our bodies it is connected with centers of sensuality, creativity and procreation.

Sacral Chakra – Svadhishthana – The Second Chakra

Location – Abdominal Region

Color – Orange

Energy – Joy, Creativity, Vitality, Sexuality

Bija Mantra – I Feel - Vam

Element – Water (Jala) Mind+Body

Organs Impacted – all bodily fluids, blood circulation, taste, kidneys and lower back.

Sacral Chakra or “Svadhisthana” is connected to the etheric body and is the subtle state of consciousness that transcends the known physical universe. It is associated with the color orange. When this Chakra is imbalanced, you will feel constantly repressed and harbor feelings of guilt or shame, which arise from the fact that you are not being your true self. Jewelry made with healing crystals like Carnelian, Amber and Tigers Eye help align and balance your sacral chakra, allowing a renewal of energies and helps you become a happy, creative and ambitious person who is capable of accepting change and ‘going with the flow’.

Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura – The Third Chakra

The Sanskrit word for Solar Plexus Chakra is Manipura, which literally translates to “city of jewels”. Solar Plexus Chakra is hence the personal power chakra, and is responsible for one’s personal and professional success. Solar Plexus Chakra relates to the fire element in the human body and one’s self-confidence, self-discipline and the ability to achieve goals all come from it.

Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura – The Third Chakra

Location – Below the Rib Cage

Color – Yellow

Energy – Knowledge, Power, Self Confidence

Bija Mantra – I Do - Ram

Element – Fire (Agni) Mind+Body

Organs Impacted – stomach, liver, large intestine, pancreas, eyes and face

Solar Plexus Chakra or “Manipura” is known as the ‘self power chakra’ and is connected to one’s self-confidence, self-discipline and the ability to achieve goals. It is associated with the color yellow. When this Chakra is imbalanced, you will feel fatigue, low esteem and lack of energy. Jewelry made with healing crystals like Citrine, Malachite and Tigers Eye help align and balance your solar plexus chakra, allowing you to effectively set out and achieve your goals, help make you a better leader and even create a life of your dreams.

Heart Chakra – Anahata – The Fourth Chakra

The Sanskrit word for Heart chakra is “Anahata” which translates to ‘unstruck, unhurt and unbeaten’. Heart Chakra is known as the balance point of all seven chakras, since it is located at the heart center and is associated with calmness and serenity. Heart Chakra deals with love and relationships and, represents the energy center for an individual’s happiness and feelings of compassion.

Heart Chakra – Anahata – The Fourth Chakra

Location – Center of the Breastbone

Color – Green

Energy – Love, Peace, Harmony, Beauty, Art

Bija Mantra – I Love - Yam

Element – Air (Vayu) Mind+Body

Organs Impacted – skin, action of one’s hands and the thymus gland

Heart Chakra or “Anahata” is where we hold not only our trust, love and feelings but also our hurt, pain and trauma. It is associated with the color green. When this chakra is imbalanced, everything else in our lives is impacted and we feel out of sync with people and situations around us. Jewelry made with healing crystals like Rose Quartz, Aventurine and Green Jade help align and balance your heart chakra, allowing the loving energies of the heart to flourish and help attract love, including self-love and romantic love.

Throat Chakra – Vishuddha – The Fifth Chakra

The Sanskrit word for Throat chakra is “Vishuddha” which translates to ‘purification’. The Throat Chakra refers to our true voice and is the center of communication, listening etc. Throat Chakra is related to the ether element in the human body and ability to meditate well, communicate effectively and use energy efficiently all come from it.

Throat Chakra – Vishuddha – The Fifth Chakra

Location – Throat - base of the neck

Color – Blue

Energy – Active, Creative Intelligence, True to One Self

Bija Mantra – I Talk - Ham

Element – Ether (Akasha)  Mind+Body

Organs Impacted – Thyroid and Parathyroid glands

Throat Chakra or “Vishuddha” is center of communication and purification and impacts communication, self expression and decision making. It is associated with the color blue. When this Chakra is imbalanced, you feel unable to articulate and express your feelings and become timid and shy. Jewelry made with healing crystals like Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise Aquamarine helps align and balance your throat chakra, helping you get in touch with desires and feelings that have been suppressed and giving them expression.

Third Eye Chakra – Ajna – The Sixth Chakra

The Sanskrit word for Third Eye Chakra is Ajna, which literally translates to “center of knowing and monitoring”. Third Eye Chakra is considered as the center of inner perception and intuition and hence is the gateway to enlightenment. Third Eye Chakra is associated with our sense of thought and our ideas, dreams, ambitions, goals and inner strength all develop from this chakra.

Third Eye Chakra – Ajna – The Sixth Chakra

Location – On Forehead - between the two eyebrows

Color – Indigo

Energy – Intuition, Wisdom, Peace

Bija Mantra – I See - Om

Element – Soul (Atma)

Organs Impacted – The eyes, nose, ears, brain, nervous system, the pituitary and pineal glands

Third Eye Chakra or “Ajana” is considered as the gateway to enlightenment or “realm of higher consciousness” and, is the center of inner perception and intuition. It is associated with the color indigo. When this Chakra is imbalanced, you face memory and learning problems, have poor intuition and you can be quite insensitive towards others. Jewelry made with healing crystals like Black Obsidian, Dumortierite and Labradorite helps align and balance your third eye chakra, and gives wings to your ideas, ambitions, goals, inner strength and self image.

Crown Chakra – Sahasrara – The Seventh Chakra

In Sanskrit, the Crown Chakra is termed as Sahasrara which means a ‘thousand fold’ and it is pictured as a lotus blooming with thousand white petals. Just as the root or first chakra connects us to the mother Earth, the crown chakra is our connection to the Universe. In fact, the seventh chakra disperses the Universal energy or life force into the six other chakras located below it. In its balanced state, this chakra can render individuals the ability to perform miracles, transcend the laws of nature, and have a heightened awareness of death and immortality.

Crown Chakra – Sahasrara – The Seventh Chakra

Location – Top Center of the Head

Color – Purple

Energy – Will, Purpose, Power, Oneness

Bija Mantra – I Understand - Silence

Element – Spirit (Parmatma)

Organs Impacted – Head, brain, ears, eyes, pineal gland, skeletal and muscular systems as well as the skin

Crown Chakra or “Sahasrara” is our connection to the universe and disperses the universal energy or life force, into the six other chakras located below it. It is associated with the color purple. When this Chakra is imbalanced, you experience frustration, ill health and destructive thoughts leading to depression. Jewelry made with healing crystals like Amethyst, Fluorite, Selenite and Clear Quartz helps align and balance your crown chakra connecting you to divinity, and opens you up to the higher power, to receive its love which can then be shared with those around us.

Once you are aware of the 7 chakras and their connections, you can consider the methods of awakening and strengthening them in order to balance all areas of life. Doing so can help you stay mentally and physically fit, and also improve your financial/professional life. Sivalya collection of chakras balancing jewelry is made with powerful crystals, gemstones and sterling silver, which help align and balance the seven chakras in your body and enhance your spiritual connection to the universe.