Healing Powers Crystals and Gemstones

Sivalya's crystals and gemstones are sourced from the earth's core and are highly spiritual, sacred and powerful. The gemstones and crystals directly amplify, and accelerate energy patterns which combine their natural power with the strength of your intentions to assist in spiritual, emotional, physical and holistic healing in our bracelets and necklaces. Selecting jewelry created with representative stones will allow you to intensify and balance your life in a beautiful and gracious way.

Discover all Crystals and Gemstones we use in our Jewelry and click on each Stone to see Designs with their Healing Powers.


 Courage - Balance - Peace

Aquamarine is a stone of courage. It is used to soothe, calm and alleviate fears and phobias. It calms the nerves, balances the emotional, mental and physical bodies, while helping awareness and bringing peace. It combats depression, while releasing anxiety and restlessness. It also accentuates confidence and self awareness.


 Healing - Spirituality - Prosperity 

Amethyst is a powerful crystal that works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical plane to provide balance. It enhances your intuition and empowers you to trust it. Amethyst crystals are known to have protective powers and are helpful in purifying the mind and clearing it of negative thoughts.



Imagination - Regeneration - Perseverance
Parsiolite (Green Amethyst) is known as a strong imagination energy amplifier. It will help you hold strong crystal energy within your aura and link energy of the heart stimulating regeneration. Parsiolite opens you up spiritually to mother nature and helps strengthen your relationship with the Divine.



Creativity - Vitality - Stability
Like a fiery sunset, Carnelian captivates sparking bold energies of vitality and protection. It harbors good luck and manifestation of one's desires while providing a creative boost when needed. A stabilizing stone, Carnelian restores vitality and stimulates stability. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates us to work towards success.

Black Tourmaline


Protection - Grounding - Healing
Black Tourmaline is considered to be a powerfully protective crystal and a grounding stone, that protects and heals on all levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Black tourmaline can help to purify the area of electromagnetic smog, and transmuting negative energy into positive energy.

Blue Lace Agate


Communication - Serenity - Balance
Blue lace agate is an excellent emotional healing stone, with strong metaphysical properties. Blue Lace Agate has a soothing nurturing energy, which will boost your ability to communicate, especially the thoughts and feelings that you receive from your higher self. It greatly facilitates serenity, self-awareness and balance during time of stress.

Botswana Agate


Good Fortune - Emotional Healing - Confidence
Botswana Agate is a healing, protective energy stone and is very calming and soothing. It endows the wearer with courage, energy, strength, and helps dispel fears, all of which increase self confidence. Agate also enhances creativity and stimulates the intellect and may bring good luck.



Creativity - Nourishment - Confidence
Aventurine is known as the stone of creativity. It brings harmony between mind, body and spirit and induces a sense of completeness to your spiritual space that will often translate into newfound confidence.

Red Onyx


Strength - Confidence - Guidance
Red Onyx is strength-giving, providing support in difficult or confusing times, as well as guidance and confidence during times of enormous mental or physical stress.



Radiance - Happiness - Awareness
Citrine is a stone as bright and radiant as energy of the sun. It sparks happy energy and enhances mental clarity, helping to manifest one's cherished dreams and goals. Citrine enhances emotional balance and awareness releasing negative traits, depression, fears and phobias.

Crystal Quartz


Healing - Clarity - Energy
Renowned as the "master healer" Crystal Quartz helps to amplify energy and brings calmness to the mind, stimulating a clear thinking process. A favored stone of seers and healers throughout the ages, Crystal Quartz has the ability to absorb, store, and release energy - positive or negative and it amplifies the effects of other crystals.



Commitment- Love - Spirituality
Diamond is a stone of commitment and communication that enhances prosperity, love and spirituality while focusing on personal purpose. This precious stone is believed to enhance relationships, while increasing the inner strength and providing balance, clarity and abundance. It gives one courage to look within without illusion.



Inspiration - Patience - Confidence
Dumortierite is a stone for centering the self, calming extreme emotional responses, and focusing mental energies. Dumortierite promotes inspiration and patience especially under stress in situations where one is provoked or feeling hopeless. It also can calm you down from intense moments and will give you confidence to know best what you need to do.

Black Spinel


Grounding - Confidence - Kundalini Energy
Black Spinel is a protective stone that grounds the user, repels negativity and helps awaken the wearers Kundalini energy. Black Spinel will give you confidence and strength to find new ways of thinking and face life's challenges.



Optimism- Courage - Stability
This stone helps with optimism, will and courage; direct link to feelings of stability and security; induces a deep restful sleep, dissolves negativity and protects the soul. It is a calming stone, but also offers support for your hopes, dreams, wishes and desires. It reminds you that the only limitations that exist are those that you place upon yourself.



Awareness - Wisdom - Alleviate Stress
Howlite is a stone of awareness. It can prepare the user or wearer to receive wisdom and attainment from the higher self and the Divine. It is also used for dimensional travel and healthy meditation. White Howlite absorbs and uplifts stress, tension, anxiety and emotional intensity.



Insight - Balance - Spirituality
Fluorite is a very powerful crystal with an insight energy around it, which brings calmness and balance to a chaotic mind. It helps cleanse, stabilize and protect your aura, and brings a combination of energies to enhance spirituality, free thinking, and emotional strength.



Guidance - Friendship - Love
A stone of commitment, Garnet represents love in its deepest, earthy form. It gently guides you to discard old ways of thinking and move towards a new path of abundance and vitality. Associated with the mastery of spirit, Garnet transmutes negative to beneficial energy, balances the kundalini, and attracts loving assistance to the wearer



Guidance - Friendship - Love
A stone of commitment, Garnet represents love in its deepest, earthy form. It gently guides you to discard old ways of thinking and move towards a new path of abundance and vitality. Associated with the mastery of spirit, Garnet transmutes negative to beneficial energy, balances the kundalini, and attracts loving assistance to the wearer

Green Onyx


Grounding - Guidance - Soothing
Green Onyx is a grounding, protective energy stone and is very calming and soothing. It gives physical strength and emotional security and, strengthens our body’s connection to the earth. Use it as an aid guidance in meditation.



Reflection - Clarity - Prosperity
Pyrite is a stone with strong fire energy and resonates with inner reflection, clarity of purpose and willpower to take action. Pyrite signifies vitality and spirit, and helps you move towards achieving your goals with a forceful conviction leading to spectacular success.

Rose Quartz


Love - Friendship - Inner Healing
Renowned as the stone of Love, Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and peace. Rose Quartz helps to repair old hurts and open the heart. It will also help you to overcome mistrust and suspicion, and reawakens the heart chakra to the abundance of love available to it.

Smoky Quartz


Positivity - Grounding - Prosperity
Smoky Quartz is the nature’s stone of endurance. It gives one personal pride and joy living, positivity in business and also opens the path for perception and learning. The stone also helps eliminate fears and enhances awareness of dreams; gives acceptance and helps to program beliefs into champion-level goals. This stone is excellent to alleviating panic attacks, anxiety and nightmares.

Smoky Quartz


Positivity - Grounding - Prosperity
Smoky Quartz is the nature’s stone of endurance. It gives one personal pride and joy living, positivity in business and also opens the path for perception and learning. The stone also helps eliminate fears and enhances awareness of dreams; gives acceptance and helps to program beliefs into champion-level goals. This stone is excellent to alleviating panic attacks, anxiety and nightmares.

Iron Tiger Eye


Strength – Stamina - Courage
Iron Tiger Eye is a stone of strength, stamina and courage. It enhances vitality, practicality and physical action and lets you see everything, while enhancing the connection with your personal power. The iron tiger eye brings good luck and protection from the evil eye to the wearer while promoting balance and strength to get through difficult phases of life.



Balance – Protective - Grounding
Natural and grounding, Jasper is known as the supreme protector. It confers courage and determination, encouraging a warrior spirit to help you to attain your dreams and goals. Jasper creates harmony, balance and positive energy flow in business pursuits and stimulates creative visualization.



Transformation - Perseverance - Imagination
A stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance. It is a powerful gemstone that allows you to see through illusions to determine the actual tangible form of your dreams while helping balance and protect the aura.

Lapis Lazuli


Wisdom - Strength - Knowledge
Lapis is a stone with wisdom, strength that helps you discover your most authentic true self. Lapis brings mental clarity, boosts self-confidence, leading one to self-perfection. It brings deep power, wisdom, and inner strength. This stone calms the mind and strengthens the will. It increases psychic ability while purifying the body, mind and spirit. It helps with depression and immune system and brings peace.



Wisdom - Harmony - Alignment
This stone helps with wisdom, harmony and alignment; direct link to feelings of stability and security; induces a deep restful sleep, dissolves negativity and protects the soul. It is a calming stone, but also offers support for your hopes, dreams, wishes and desires. It reminds you that the only limitations that exist are those that you place upon yourself.

Lava stone


Strength- Passion - Creation
Lava stone gives strength (physical and mental) and clarity when facing difficult situations. It is a great reminder of one's inner passion. It fires the will and creation. It can be very useful for those who are indecisive, timid or weak.



Abundance - Manifestation - Intention
Malachite draws out impurities on all levels and is a is a stone of purity, abundance, manifestation and intention. Malachite absorbs energy and draws emotions to the surface. It clears and activates all Chakras, and is especially helpful in the stimulation of the Heart and Throat Chakras.

Matte Onyx


Objectiveness- Spirituality -Meditation
Matte Onyx helps to change bad habits and is a great grounding stone. It inspires objective thinking and spirituality while helping one be in control of emotions and passions. Onyx helps eliminate negative thinking and stress and is good for meditation and positive dreams.



Goddess Energy - Calmness - Inspiration
Moonstone is known for abundance in feminine power. Strongly connected to energy of the moon, it calms the emotional body, inspires personal power, and nurtures of spirit. Moonstone is believed to have a tangible connection to the magic of the moon- an amulet of protection for travelers and a gift of lovers for passion.



Peace - Prosperity - Spirituality
Opal is known as a highly soothing and calming stone that enhances the aura energy around you with peace and prosperity. It also encourages you to express your emotions and spirituality in a balanced and healthy way.

Peach Moonstone


Intuition - Passion - Good Fortune
Peach Moonstone supports the heart as it stimulates the mind, soothing worry or anxiety, and bringing forth the intuition. Its loving energy promotes the divine passion in the wearer at all times and enhances self acceptance all situations, inspiring the heart with nurturing qualities and good fortune.



Purity - Integrity - Grace
This oldest known gem symbolizes integrity, purity and grace. It provokes emotional growth and readiness. Pearls have a great healing power. It is said that pearls strengthen the nerves, adrenal glands, spleen and muscular system. This stone brings patience, protection and love. It has always been worn as a symbol of great wealth and power.



Fortune - Love - Royalty
Ruby is considered to be the most powerful gem in the universe. Given as a gift, the ruby is a symbol of friendship and love. It encourages passion and a zest for life. It improves motivation and setting of realistic goals. This stone is the symbol of fortune and royalty. The gem also helps sexual love to be more passionate. Ruby gives the courage to be best potential that a person has, while encouraging self-love.



Success - Prosperity - Vitality
Known as the stone of successful love, emerald opens and nurtures the heart. Its soothing energy provides healing to all levels of the being, bringing freshness and vitality to the spirit. A stone of inspiration and infinite patience, it embodies vitality, compassion and unconditional love.



Wisdom - Royalty - Virtue
Sapphire is a stone of wisdom and royalty, of prophecy and Divine favor. It is forever associated with sacred things and considered the gem of gems, a jewel steeped in the history and lore of nearly every religion. Sapphire is also a symbol of power and strength, but also of kindness and wise judgment.



Shungite is the go-to stone for EMF protection, purification and detoxification of the mind, body and spirit. Working with it grounds your root chakra to create a more stable and balanced foundation. All the Shungite stones will vary slightly in size, shape, color and pattern. Each comes with a card that holds the information about the crystals and their meanings.

Tiger Eye


Strength – Stamina – Self Esteem
Tiger's eye lets you see everything, while it strength the connection with your personal powers. In addition, it improves your insights and boosts self confidence. As captured in its physical form, it brings to light the possibilities offered by self Esteem and trust in the Universe.



Health - Protection - Self-expression
Turquoise helps connect to one’s higher self and enhances emotional awareness, self expression along with healing past emotional traumas. Turquoise is a powerful healing stone which uplifts and cleanses, bringing a sense of renewal.



Abundance - Peace - Clarity
Watermelon Tourmaline assists in aligning your mind, body, spirit and soul towards peace and abundance. An excellent aid for clarity, Tourmaline helps transmute negative energy into positive energy leading to boundless abundance.

Black Onyx


Endurance - Perseverance - Grounding
Black onyx is an extremely powerful grounding stone as it absorbs negative energy and stress promoting emotional well-being, self control, decision making, and endurance. It stabilizes emotions and increases courage, strength and perseverance.



Calmness - Peace - Vital Energy
Sterling Silver is a natural element with its own vibration energy field, and has been used in jewelry since ancient times. It is extensively used with gemstones due to the fact that the metal attracts and retains the qualities emitted by the stones. Sterling silver acts as a "mirror to the soul", allowing you to see deep within the self without judgment, bringing about calmness and balance. It also helps get in touch with our own emotions and intuitions, by helping acknowledge the inner voice instead of repressing it.



Health - Stability - Confidence
Gold is one of the oldest known precious natural elements, with a strong vibration energy in all fields - physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual. Since ancient times, Gold has been used in purification and balancing of energy fields in the physical body, and spiritually it is referred to as the “master healer”. Gold creates a receptive energy for attracting and stabilizing qualities inherent within crystals and gemstones, making it one of the most favored metal for crafting jewelry.