The Lion’s Gate Portal happens every year, but it’s extra mystic in the year 2021 since it coincides with the same day as the rise of Leo New Moon on August 8. Additionally, this year the bright blue fixed Star Sirius aligns perfectly with Orion’s Belt, the Leo's Sun and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, creating a trinity of alignments which open the lion's gate portal. This is similar to universe taking on a whole new force of power and it can be intense and powerful as well as beautiful and magical.
This year’s Lion’s Gate Portal and New Moon are extra potent because they’re happening on August 8, or 8/8, a number which is considered extremely lucky in numerology. This combination makes August 8 an extremely lucky day for manifesting success and though the Lion’s Gate Portal peaks on August 8, it will also remain open for a few days before and after this date to usher in life-changing effects.
The Lion’s Gate Portal is the optimum time to manifest change and bring our hopes into reality. With the sun in Leo, it's an ideal moment for making changes towards your heart-felt vision quest. Be ready to align with the universe to ignite your passions and make them come true by manifesting them as tangible goals. During this season where you will feel free-spirited and supported and you can work progressively every day with effortless grace towards your goals. If you're serious about your intentions, you don't want to sleep on this opportunity to manifest abundance and dream big.
The lion's gate portal is an opening for high frequency, high vibrational energies — infused completely with Sirian energy raining down on earth, meaning it's a fabulous time for manifesting, setting intentions and do a personal abundance ritual. The swirl of astrological and numerological magic on 8/8 can help us to instantly manifest what we want and here are a couple ways to harness it -
Do a Powerful Intention Setting Ritual
Work with Crystals and Crystal Grids
Plan a Personalized Lion's Gate Portal Meditation or Ritual
Embrace the Lion's Gate Portal energy and reach for the stars!
Happy Manifesting ~ Team Sivalya 🙏💛
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